
About Us


We Offer Turnkey Energy Savings Solutions

We’re Functional Energy Solutions, FES for short, and our mission is to save our commercial and industrial clients a lot of money on their utility bills. We do this by identifying, implementing, and managing a variety of energy savings initiatives. From small distribution centers to complex industrial factories, we prepare custom energy solutions to meet your needs and help you achieve your energy goals.

Why Choose FES

We’re here to help! FES is a boutique engineering firm offering customized solutions that are specific to the needs of your building and personnel. After a thorough on-site evaluation, FES will provide a list of recommended energy efficiency measures available to implement with your own internal resources, or you can choose to let us take care of your energy efficiency project from start to finish.

Our identified solutions will allow for more efficient building operation with improved reliability while reducing your overall utility costs. We offer our commercial and industrial clients:

How We Do It

We are an engineering and general contracting firm specializing in energy efficiency. After conducting a thorough audit of your facility’s energy use, we will make recommendations regarding your energy-consuming systems to improve their efficiency and reduce your utility spend. We’ll offer a turnkey solution to act as the general contractor to implement those recommendations. 

This solution will include custom control sequences and supervising of mechanical, electrical, and controls subcontractors with engineering oversight to provide a complete, done-for-you service package that creates raving fans in the ESG, facility, and accounting departments. 

This type of implementation work is not new to anyone working at FES – each of us has years of experience working on these types of retro-commissioning projects.

Our Process

During this phase we utilize energy auditing and utility bill benchmarking to identify key areas of improvement in your building and with specific motors and systems.
Next, our team develops an energy strategy including recommended projects. Using advanced energy modeling, we are able to project ROI and build financial models.
After certain projects are "green lit", we get to work. During this phase, we can act as a general contractor (GC) or construction manager overseeing the implementation.
Finally, after all energy adjustments and projects have been implemented, we conduct thorough measurement and verification (M&V) to quantify savings and success.

Our Team

As a boutique energy firm, our team is small but mighty.  We deliver great results & customer experiences, foster strong industry relationships, and have the knowledge and resources to grow in a healthy and wise way.

Meet Marc
The Relationship Builder

Marc cultivates relationships with facilities and is a constant touchpoint for customers throughout a project lifecycle. His roots in the conservation market are deep and wide and he builds relationships to play the long game.

Meet Ryan
Our Principal Engineer

Ryan is zealous about saving our customers on their energy consumption. He is great with customers and is conscious about providing the most value he can while keeping his eye on payback timelines.

Meet Torey
The Project Manager

Torey believes that an excellent deliverable and customer experience is what sells the next job. He treats customers and subs as valued partners, and his network has grown with positive relationships every year since joining the tight-knit energy community.

Meet Victoria aka "Blue Car"
The Back Office Guru

Behind the scenes, Victoria brings her administrative experience to keep FES organized and timely.  Her broad base of experience lets the team focus on customers and projects while she handles the back office business.