
Measurement & Verification (M&V)

Measurement & Verification

Validate Your Energy Investment 

M&V is the process of verifying savings after a project is completed through the analysis of logger, trend, and utility data.  This is standard practice for our projects, but we can also act as a third party for entities that have self-performed work or hired another contractor.

Energy Usage Reduction

Measurement and Verification (M&V) is a crucial process for quantifying and confirming the effectiveness of energy-saving interventions, providing empirical data on energy usage reductions achieved through efficiency projects. By comparing pre- and post-implementation data, M&V helps to validate the success of these initiatives, offering valuable insights into their return on investment and environmental impact.

Energy Cost Savings

M&V in the context of energy bill savings serves to validate that implemented energy efficiency measures have resulted in the projected financial benefits. By analyzing utility bills before and after the implementation of energy-saving projects, M&V provides a quantifiable assessment of cost savings, which is essential for justifying investments in energy efficiency measures and for accountability in rebate or incentive programs.

Building Efficiency Improvements

M&V plays a key role in quantifying the effectiveness of building improvements, offering data-driven insights that can significantly impact a building’s ESG scores and its potential for LEED certification. By rigorously assessing the performance and impact of various energy efficiency and sustainability measures, M&V provides the empirical evidence needed to validate a building’s advancements in energy conservation, resource management, and overall environmental responsibility.

Empirical Data Validation

(M&V) after an energy efficiency project provides critical data to confirm that the implemented measures are achieving the expected energy and cost savings. Some of the benefits include:

Third-party, non-biased M&V

Our M&V services offer a non-biased report that you can use for shareholders, board members, or verification agencies.

Validation of project success

Track the success of your projects and prove their worthiness to your superiors or board members with M&V studies.

Future optimization targets

Use M&V to quantify past projects and set benchmarks for future targets and energy usage reduction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding and effectively utilizing M&V processes can significantly impact the success of energy projects in commercial and industrial facilities. It ensures accountability, helps optimize performance, and provides valuable insights for future energy-saving initiatives.

1. What is Measurement and Verification (M&V) in the Context of Energy Projects?

Measurement and Verification (M&V) refers to the process of collecting and analyzing data to assess the performance of energy-saving measures implemented in a facility. The aim is to quantify the actual energy and cost savings generated by the project, ensuring that the objectives are met.

2. Why is M&V Important for Commercial and Industrial Facilities?

M&V is critical for validating the effectiveness of energy projects, confirming that the measures taken are yielding the expected energy and cost savings. This validation is important for justifying the investment in energy-efficiency upgrades and for securing future funding for similar projects.

3. What Are the Key Components of an M&V Plan?

An M&V plan typically outlines the objectives, the metrics to be measured (e.g., electricity consumption, fuel usage), the data collection methods, and the timeline for assessment. It also defines the baseline against which the post-implementation performance will be compared.

4. How is Data Collected During the M&V Process?

Data collection methods can vary depending on the scope and objectives of the M&V plan. This can range from simple utility bill tracking to advanced real-time monitoring using sensors and energy management systems. The methods chosen should be consistent with the level of accuracy required.

5. Who Should Conduct the M&V for an Energy Project?

Ideally, M&V should be conducted by a third-party expert specializing in energy management and analytics to ensure an unbiased assessment. Some facilities also opt for in-house teams if they possess the required expertise, although third-party verification is generally considered more credible.

6. What Happens if the M&V Process Shows that Expected Savings Were Not Achieved?

If the M&V process indicates that the expected savings are not achieved, it serves as an early warning system to identify potential issues. This could lead to a re-examination of the implemented measures, adjustments to control systems, or even a complete redesign of certain components to ensure that the desired energy efficiency is attained.

Why FES?

We’re here to help! FES is a boutique engineering firm offering customized solutions that are specific to the needs of your building and personnel. After a thorough on-site evaluation, FES will provide a list of recommended energy efficiency measures available for implementation with internal resources (at your own pace), or you can choose to let us manage the project from start to finish. Our identified solutions will allow for more efficient building operation with improved reliability while reducing your overall utility costs.